Frequently Asked Questions

Company Information

When was VeriChip formed and what is its origin?

The roots of VeriChip trace back to the events of September 11, 2001 when New York firemen were writing their badge ID numbers on their chests in case they were found injured or unconscious. It was evident there was a serious need for personal identification and information in emergency situations and that an implantable microchip could make a difference. In December 2001, VeriChip Corporation was created.

What is VeriChip’s stance on privacy?

VeriChip’s most important technology, its FDA-cleared, implantable RFID microchip, has lead to many privacy concerns and questions. Therefore, it’s important to state that VeriChip believes in its ethical responsibility to ensure patient privacy. To learn more, please read the Company’s Privacy Policy.

What is the difference between “VeriChip” and “VeriChip™”?

“VeriChip™” refers to the FDA-approved, human-implantable RFID microchip, whereas “VeriChip” refers to the Company itself.

What does VeriChip’s microchip NOT do?

When working with a delicate subject like implantable technology, it is important to clarify what VeriChip does not focus on, to help ease public concern. Here is just a sample of a few key technologies and products VeriChip has nothing to do with:

Tracking individuals (e.g. children, government officials) through an implanted RFID microchip. VeriChip’s implantable microchip does not have the capabilities to offer such service since it does not have built-in Global Positioning System (GPS) support or long-range wireless communications.
Creating payment-based solutions around the human-implantable RFID microchip. VeriChip’s solutions based on the implantable microchip are focused on patient identification in emergency situations (i.e. Health Link) and the management of remains and evidentiary items (i.e. VeriTrace).

Does VeriGreen Energy have any operations?

VeriGreen is currently evaluating investment opportunities in the clean and alternative energy sector.

Technology Information

What is RFID?

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) refers to technologies that utilize radio waves to automatically identify individuals or items. To learn more about RFID, click here.

What type of RFID technology(s) does VeriChip offer?

VeriChip offers passive RFID solutions focused on patient identification. To learn more about the different types of RFID technologies, click here

What is the human-implantable RFID microchip?

VeriChip’s Health Link human-implantable RFID microchip is the world’s first and only FDA-cleared microchip for patient identification. Measuring the size of a grain of rice, its is inserted just under the skin in the right triceps via a quick, painless outpatient procedure (similar to getting a shot). The microchip is a passive RFID microchip that does not contain any data besides a unique 16-digit electronic identifier.

Is the implantable microchip FDA-approved?

In October 2004, VeriChip’s human-implantable RFID microchip was cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for medical uses in the United States (as a Class II Medical Device). In fact, the implantable microchip is considered a “predicate device” within the FDA, meaning others entering the space in the future will be measured against this device.

Does the implantable microchip contain personal information?

The human implantable microchip only contains a unique 16-digit electronic identifier. This unique number is used to access identification and personal medical information on a password-protected database.

How does the implantable microchip compare to other forms of automatic identification?

What is unique about VeriChip’s human implantable RFID microchip is that it cannot be lost, stolen, or misplaced like other forms of identification. It is secure, reversible, and always with you, especially when you need it most.

What specifically are the advantages of the implantable microchip over biometrics (e.g. fingerprint scanner)?

The biggest drawback of biometric identification solutions is the large number of “false-positives” generated by the technology, even after years of innovation and development. These same solutions can also be costly in comparison to VeriChip’s human implantable RFID microchip solution.

Does VeriChip have anything to do with the RFID microchips seen being inserted into people’s hands?

The RFID microchips recently inserted into the hands of some individuals for the purpose of speeding everyday authentication (e.g. signing onto a computer) are not related to VeriChip in any way. More importantly, those microchips have not received FDA testing and clearance. VeriChip’s human-implantable RFID microchip inserted into the right triceps during a physician visit is the only implantable RFID technology with FDA clearance.

Are there any health risks to having the implantable microchip inserted?

VeriChip’s human-implantable RFID microchip has been tested and cleared by the FDA and today, thousands of patients live with the chip without problems.

If I have the implantable microchip inserted, can I be “tracked” in any way?

This is one of the most common questions regarding the implantable microchip and the answer is a definite “No.” VeriChip’s human-implantable RFID microchip does not have the capabilities to offer such service since it does not have built-in Global Positioning System (GPS) support or long-range wireless communications. It is a passive RFID microchip containing only a unique 16-digit identifier and can only be read by a VeriChip reader held up closely to the location of the inserted chip. It is therefore built for in-room applications like the rapid, secure patient identification offered by VeriMed Health Link and cannot be used to track children, prevent kidnappings, etc.